On 1/28/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> to remind people that there are real enemies out there who want to
> indiscriminately murder Americans

Americans murder americans all the time.  Sadly.  Large # when summed. ;)

Are you more afraid of
> the CIA listening to your phone calls, or terrorists vaporizing a chunk of
> an American city?

CIA listening to my phone, hands down.  When that's happening, "terror"
really has won.  Not a doubt in my mind.

Don't make me paste the quote about trading freedom or liberty and whatnot!

Amazing how death makes us do things.

And do you really think we weren't being listened to already!?!?!
(they're probably reading this as we type- aaaaaaa!)
The horribly, terrible, troubling fact is that now it's legal!
(at least that's the power grabbers want you to think!)

hehehe.  My text is rich.    it wouldabeen cooler implemented cooler, eh.(:

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