** Private ** wrote:
> linux is more secure than windows because only dorks use 
> linux..............:-)

That moment is not far away anymore.

While everybody keeps pointing at the big bad Microsoft and their silly 
'vulnerable by default' out-of-the-box configuration, Microsoft is changing. 
And Windows is changing with it and is getting more and more secure. The 
insecurity that is left in Windows is largely a legacy of the past 2 decades: 
who can remember the last time that Microsoft introduced a 'really stupid 
feature' (tm)? I can't.
Microsoft has stopped doing really stupid things and they are working very hard 
to audit their code, review their code and audit it again. They have largely 
changed their policy from 'everything by default' to 'nothing by default'. What 
Microsoft doesn't do yet is actively killing mistakes from the past. I don't 
like it that instead of just ripping features out, they place firewalls in 
front of it and invent yet another type of account for the service. And 
Microsoft is still unwilling to *really* break insecure third party software on 
a large scale. I understand the reasons for that, but I don't like it.

But what is Linux doing? Is there a structured security and audit process? Is 
there a team being payed to make long days reviewing code instead of developing 
cool new features? Do those teams exist for all the addons that are shipped and 
enabled by default in all distributions?
Linux has some very big advantages over Windows. It runs on many platforms and 
what is a difficult to trigger bug on one platform is a very obvious one on 
another platform. Most of the addons also run on commercial unices and the BSDs 
which is yet another way to find bugs. But is that enough and can Linux lend 
back and relax without refocusing on security?

I don't know the answer, but at the moment my bet is that within 2 years the 
whole security argument will turn and will be used against Linux and the whole 
GPL-ecosphere instead of against Windows. Obviously at that time the OpenBSD 
people will still be the kings of security, but that goes without saying.


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