the problem with a single payer system is that you have to be able to
go outside it. You should have seen me tryng to pay cash for an xray
in Sault Ste Marie a while back. That's something you should be able
to do, and that particular situation didn't get resolved until I
threateded to drive into Michigan and tell American immigration that I
was seeking emergency health care.

On the other hand, when you get into a two-tier system like Britain's
then questions of equity arise. Of course they arise in the current US
system -- the poor actually get better health care generally. Mind
you, you have to *very* poor for this to be true.


On 2/12/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see no reason to get hysterical about welfare mothers, either. People will
> avail themselves of every advantage a system gives them. No reason to blame
> people who do that. Change the system, that's what I say, and do it in a way
> that makes sense. Health care is definitely the top long-term economic
> problem in this country. We spend too little on preventative care, too much
> on emergency care, and our byzantine system of providers and insurers does
> nothing but generate billions and billions of dollars worth of waste.
> Having said that, I don't know what the solution is. I like the idea of a
> single-payer system because it reduces complexity. I dislike the idea of the
> government running any part of it.
> On 2/12/07, Dana wrote:
> >
> > I'll agree with you there. The difference in my mind is that you can
> > talk about taxes without getting hysterical about welfare mothers.
> >
> > Look, health care in the US (the actual topic, believe it  or not) is
> > an issue for just about everyone. I've seen people on here complaining
> > about their costs and their care. Ergo, the system is dysfunctional.
> > It doesn't work even for tthe relatively affluent. The reason it
> > doesn't work is that providers put uncompensated care into their
> > overhead, and you can't blame them for that. Saying that they should
> > just let people die instead is not realistic. Neither is whining about
> > a few taxes. Everyone here pays taxes I think... I tell you one thing,
> > I'd much rather seem mine go to a rational health care system than an
> > irrational war.
> >
> --
> ---------------
> Robert Munn

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