
Novak described trying to get an interview with Armitage in 2001 and
being told the deputy secretary was "not too busy. He just didn't want
to talk to me." Novak said he was rebuffed again after the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks.

Then in the last week of June 2003, Armitage's office called to set up
an interview. "I had not pressed my request for one in two years,"
Novak said. Once he asked about the Wilson trip, Armitage said "it was
suggested by his wife, Valerie, who is employed in the
counterproliferation division at CIA," Novak testified.

Novak testified he got confirmation from White House political adviser
Karl Rove, who replied to him: "Oh, you've heard that, too."

Defense attorneys got Woodward, Novak, Pincus, New York Times reporter
David Sanger, Washington Post reporter Glenn Kessler and Newsweek
reporter Evan Thomas all to say they had talked to Libby about
Wilson's allegations during the summer of 2003, but Libby had not
disclosed Plame's identity or employment to them.

But Sanger, Kessler and Thomas said they didn't ask Libby about
Wilson's wife. Woodward and Novak testified they didn't recall asking
about her but said Libby didn't talk about her if they did. Pincus
said Libby said he didn't know how the trip was arranged but their
conversation occurred before June 12, when Libby now recalls he first
learned the information from Cheney.

On 2/12/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sam wrote:
> > Kind of pokes holes in his story. Everyone in the news business,
> > including his close co-worker, knew except him?
> >
> I don't see how.  Is Ms. Mitchell in a position to say what "everyone
> in the news business" knew?
> Further, that would assume then that Mr. Russert is knowingly lying.
> That is, if everyone already knew BEFORE the Novak column, as Ms.
> Mitchell would testify you say, then wouldn't have Mr. Russert?  And
> wouldn't he remember he knew just as "everyone in the news business"
> apparently did?
> Therefore the jury would have to believe that Mr. Russert is lying.
> However, even if that were true, we'd still have to believe  Scoots
> can't remember what his boss told him about a MAJOR concern, nor when
> his boss told, nor when anyone else told but, but he DISTINCTLY
> remembers when Mr. Russert told him.
> Doesn't add up.  Libbey's lying to protect Cheney.

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