Probably trying to troubleshoot non-delivery issues.

With all the spam protection layers between me and the list, list traffic
often gets lost in space.

(At which point _I_ usually send a message to the list asking if anyone else
is seeing drops, which generates the same kind of thread we have here.)

On 2/13/07, Casey Dougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ugg! What the heck is the point of sending a test messages to a list that
> you don't run! What, only got one email address? Can't test on your own
> domain? Sending mail to yourself doesn't work? Can anyone come up with a
> solid reason why they do it?
> It's been a while since I've seen one on here but just saw one on another
> list. these people are retarded!
> --
> Casey

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