Of course there are those on this mailing list who will claim that the American 
Association for the Advancement of Science is just a commie front organization.


Scientists Flex Political Muscles


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See Also

    * Bush Ripped on Global Warming
    * Getting Evolution Up to Speed
    * Experts: Global Warming Is Real
    * Evolutionists Are Wrong!
    * Science Tackles the Big Questions
    * Evolution Attack Goes Global
    * Wired Science Blog

By Randy Dotinga| Also by this reporter
02:00 AM Feb, 15, 2007

The biggest general science conference in the world is shaping up to be 
unusually political this year, with an emphasis on global warming and 
sustainability. There's even a workshop on how scientists can fight 
anti-evolutionists on local school boards.

"It's a smorgasbord of all research in every field," said Ginger Pinholster, 
spokeswoman for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or 
AAAS, which begins its annual meeting Thursday in San Francisco. "It helps to 
foster dialogue between scientists and the public and with policy makers."

Much of the research presented will look at the effects of global warming on 
glaciers, Antarctica and the ocean. In one speech, a Carnegie Mellon University 
professor who studies decision-making and public policy is expected to talk 
about how science can "induce urgent action" regarding climate change.

"The purpose of science is to tell us about the nature of the world whether we 
like the answer or not," said Alan I. Leshner, CEO of the AAAS.

The AAAS' annual meeting attracts about 10,000 attendees, including more than 
1,000 journalists from around the world, giving the conference a loud, global 

The main theme will be sustainability, with a focus on bringing "a greater 
understanding to the fact that sustainability means more than environment or 
just energy," said Leshner, former director of the National Institute on Drug 
Abuse. "Sustainable well-being has to do with health and the economy, 
environment and climate and agriculture."

The conference seems likely to break news in research areas such as climate 
change, life on Mars and the health of the ocean. Other topics range from the 
anti-evolution movement in Europe to the challenges of making clean water 
available worldwide.

Reflecting the AAAS' advocacy, the annual meeting's website proclaims that 
"many of the most powerful governments and corporations cling to their 
'wait-and-see' stance on whether regulation of anthropogenic greenhouse gas 
emissions is required."

Global warming is simply a "reality," said Leshner. "I'm sure you can find 
eight scientists who don't (agree), but the vast majority of scientists around 
the world agree about the need for alternative energy sources."

One topic -- stem-cell research -- is largely missing from the agenda for the 
meeting. But Leshner said there's no conspiracy. "The truth is we didn't get 
many proposed symposia," he said. "It's not that anybody is less optimistic 
about stem cells."

Previous AAAS meetings have coached scientists on how to get on television and 
handle the media. This year there's a new workshop on another kind of public 
outreach -- running for school board.

Evangelical Christians have targeted school boards for more than 15 years, and 
Jon Miller -- a political scientist and professor at Michigan State University 
-- argues that scientists need to do the same thing.

He'll run a workshop Friday to teach scientists about running for office. He 
estimates that at least 100 scientists -- and possibly more -- serve on U.S. 
school boards today. He wants that number to grow.

"For several years, I've been telling people that if you're serious about this, 
don't just wring your hands. Run for this," Miller said. "There's no reason for 
scientists to exempt themselves. They need to get into the arena."

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