By "under load" I mean continually applying more and more load until some 
manner of reactionary behavior is recognizable in various parts of the system.  
This is always what I mean when I refer to testing something under load, 
because as you know there is no one metric that describes "load" for all 
systems and applications.

My point is that during the load test you may see one or more performance 
metrics on one or more parts of the system have a marked non-linear reaction to 
a gradual linear increase in load, and both the amount of load at which this 
happens and the degree of non-linearity that is exhibited will indicate how 
scalable the system as a whole is under the current configuration.  I believe 
that you could follow the queue of performance bottlenecks and tune each one to 
the point of diminishing returns, and you would still see the same type of 
behavior because, under stress, the extra work needed to *display* large images 
(or a large number of small images) from the database will always cause this 
behavior.  My preference would be to eliminate this problem from the design by 
writing the images to disk and then just let IIS serve those image files 


Adam Phillip Churvis
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
BlueDragon Alliance Founding Committee

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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Adam Haskell 
  To: CF-Community 
  Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 11:01 PM
  Subject: Re: Storing images in DB.

  What constitutes underload? I see this (or other abstract, vague terms)
  constantly in the community and I think vague words like this can cause
  confusion and may lead someone down a path without true understanding. Your
  idea of under load may be *very* different than another's. In our
  environment (Enterprise Intranet Systems for our 2500+ stores) under load,
  or heavy load, may be 100 requests per second. In the ecommerce company (<$5
  mill/year) 20 requests per second was under load.  So what exactly is the
  definition of under load?

  Adam Haskell

  On 2/19/07, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Nick,
  > Have you ever tried this *under load* with either a large number of images

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