More accountability. I don't think you should be able to say whoops,
that batch of drugs is toxic, so let's sell it in South America. Or
gee, we could clean up our toxic slop from the 50s but it's so much
easier to just be reborn as another company and let Superfund pick up
the tab.

I don't have a ten point plan on this, but the logic behind say
campaign reform is  real reform would make politicians more
accountable to their actual constituents that they are to their
contributors. Note the word real. This in turn may lead to more
rational regulation.

Though I must say that the little I have had time to look at about the
TXU sale is encouraging... maybe 30 years is overly pessimistic.

On 2/26/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > well they are pretty entrenched you know, so that's a big question. I
> > suppose that campaign finance reform might be a start. It's a start
> > that would probably take 30 years to take effect, but it's a start.
> >
> What's the goal?  The elimination of corporations or better regulation
> or more transparency?  What'cha shootin for?

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