Yes, I feel better with that out of my system, thank you.

Bush doesn't get a pass. I don't know about "demonstrated liar". If you are
referring to Iraq I think he believed the WMD thing at the time, as did
many, many others with access to the same information as Bush.

Bush deserved to get thumped by his own party for spending like a drunken
sailor over the last six years, contrary to Republican beliefs in fiscal
responsibility. He deserved to get thumped by everyone for being so
polarizing in the last three years, contrary to his "uniter not a divider"
slogan. Judge for yourself whether he deserved to get thumped over Iraq. I
don't fault him as a hypocrite for the decision, but I do fault him for
hanging onto that clown of a DoD Secretary for so long.

On 2/27/07, Dana  wrote:
> ok. Feel better now?
> Here's what I *don't* understand. If hypocrisy upsets you this much...
> how can I ask this can you defend Bush? I mean... he's
> a demonstrated liar and he's in a position to do a LOT of damage. Why
> does he get a by?

Robert Munn

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