On 2/28/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The theory being that the Earth can stand only, say, 100 carbon units
> per year.  If we trade carbon units on a carbon market such that the
> end result is 95 carbon units per year, we're carbon negative.
> So, maybe your allocation is 1 carbon unit, but because you're willing
> to ride your bike you don't need it.  So I pay you $1000 for your
> carbon unit.  And buy 4 more.  In this way I get my car AND the Earth
> stays under 100 units.

How much carbon did you prevent? None. I did all the saving and you
decide my doing the work was good enough rather than having everyone
chip in.

> See, it's not so tough, if you agree with the theory.

And, you're extremely selfish.

> BTW - I paid a $2000 gas guzzler tax on my car so I'm already paid up.  W00T!

How did that money lower your carbon footprint? Did the government
plant trees with that money? That tax is to discourage you from
polluting but I see it did not work. I guess having money affords you
the right to force the responsibility on to the less fortunate.

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