After weeks of putting off bringing my dog to the vet, we had the vet stop by today. My dogs got a "lump" on his shoulder, about the size of a grapefruit. He's been acting like normal, and he hates car rides and vets (too the point of panicking) hence the reason we haven't forced the issue of going to the vet. The vet confirmed that its a tumor and at 14 years old, he said that even if it were a floating tumor vs attached as it is, Max probably wouldn't survive the operation.
Being that Max is 14, this isn't unexpected. I'm ok with it. He's the dog that my wife and I got whenever we first moved in together. He's the dog we got because he was supposed to be 25 lbs full grown that ended up being 85lbs of pure puppy. He's the dog that's made me feel safe in my home for that past 14 years. The vet told us that right now, Max isn't in any pain that he can tell. He told us that at some point the tumor will probably rupture *if* he doesn't die of "old age" before. He said at that point Max will be in a lot of pain. He said that could happen today or six months from now. I'm really torn as to what to do right now. The vet said that he'd could be there in minutes with a sedative and transport him to his office, but I really hate to think about this happening one day when all of us are away from the house. I guess my wife and I are in for some serious discussion this weekend. zB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2 Free Trial Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: