The "clinton list" is pretty damn short compared to the bush2 list.

And Clinton did quite a bit of good.  A REAL uniter, no question.

I would trade this Admin for that Admin, problems and all, in a
heart beat.

Heart-beat.  Instantly.  Patriot Act and all.  (yup, it was the
patriot act that pissed me off about Clinton the most, hands

To try to compare the two administrations is ludicrazy.

I always wondered why some folk love to hate on Clinton...

perhaps it's more about how good he was, neh?  Shoulda
done something like bush2 and screwed the pooch, or got
/nothing/ done, but instead, he united people, did stuff, put
America in a pretty good spot, I reckon.  Eh.

Someone show me the Onion article from when Clinton
took office, and let's compare it to the one that they did
for Bush2 when he took office.  Which was more scary
and evil-accurate? (assuming there was one for C-dawg).

Evil accurate, even.  *shivers* that shouldn't be possible.

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