half the country hated Bush but the Dems could only muster Kerry.

Hillary has to get past Obama, Richardson, and possibly a few others 
then meet the folks on the other side of the isle.  Condi Rice comes 
across more charismatic than Hillary.  Guilani is far more charismatic, 
McCain is really pushing the management of the war and they all have 
enough of a following that if they got the nod I think we would have a 
race just like the Bush Kerry race.  Many people wanting change, but 
they would prefer the republican candidate to Hillary.

On 4/3/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> half of the country hates her. 'nuf said.
> The same was said of G.W. Bush but he won a second term. what's your point
> again?

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