I had to click around, but i found this on the same site -- university of 
dayton should be reasonably objective, you would think. Highlands is part of 
the Nm state system, btw. Briefly, yes, there are explicit references to 
language and to Guadalupe Hidalgo in the New Mexico Constitution. I am still 
not sure if this was what the Native American Legislator was talking about.


Given this brief historical background, it becomes more apparent why New 
Mexicans wrote a unique document in 1910. They included the "additional" bill 
of rights, Article II, Section 5: "…the rights, privileges and immunities, 
etc. of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo." These rights are again reasserted in 
Article VII, Section 3, which guaranteed the right to vote regardless of 
religion, race, language, color or ability to speak the English language. 
Article VIII, Section 8 mandated teacher training for Spanish-speaking 
children. The Spanish-American Normal School at El Rito, when the other normal 
schools did not assume this responsibility, was founded for this specific 
purpose. Article VII, Section 10 forbade racial discrimination against children 
of Spanish descent, and guaranteed equal access to an education. They were 
"…never to be denied admission to the public schools, nor ever be classed in 
separate schools, but shall forever enjoy perfect equality with other children 
in public schools…"  

In summary, the authors of the 1910 constitution drew upon the experience of 
the 19th century and drafted a document which incorporated all possible 
protection of the ideals of the United States Constitution and the Treaty of 
Guadalupe Hidalgo. Larsen says:  

"The stringent provisions regarding equality for the Spanish-speaking citizen 
were intended to overcome fears and apprehensions of the native population that 
they might be discriminated against by the Anglo majority…" 

> > Yeah, looks like the Wikipedia entry was wrong.
> Probably.  Here is the original articles that were ammended by the 
> Senate and the explanation given (http://academic.udayton.
> edu/race/02rights/guadalu.htm):
> Original ARTICLE IX 
> The Mexicans who, in the territories aforesaid, shall not preserve the 
> character of citizens of the Mexican Republic, conformably  with what 
> is stipulated in the preceding Article, shall be incorporated into the 
> Union of the United States, and admitted as soon as possible, 
> according to the principles of the Federal Constitution, to the 
> enjoyment of all the rights of citizens of the United States. In the 
> mean time, they shall be maintained and protected in the enjoyment of 
> their liberty, their property, and the civil rights now vested in them 
> according to the Mexican laws. With respect to political rights, their 
> condition shall be on an equality with that of the inhabitants of the 
> other territories of the United States; and at least equally good as 
> that of the inhabitants of Louisiana and the Floridas, when these 
> provinces, by transfer from the French Republic and the Crown of Spain, 
> became territories of the United States.  
> The same most ample guaranty shall be enjoyed by all ecclesiastics and 
> religious corporations or communities, as well in the discharge of the 
> offices of their ministry, as in the enjoyment of their property of 
> every kind, whether individual or corporate. This guaranty shall 
> embrace all temples, houses and edifices  
> Finally, the relations and communication between the Catholics living 
> in the territories aforesaid, and their respective ecclesiastical 
> authorities, shall be open, free and exempt from all hindrance 
> whatever, even although such authorities should reside within the 
> limits of the Mexican Republic, as defined by this treaty; and this 
> freedom shall continue, so long as a new demarcation of ecclesiastical 
> districts shall not have been made, conformably with the laws of the 
> Roman Catholic Church. 
> Original ARTICLE X 
> All grants of land made by the Mexican government or by the competent 
> authorities, in territories previously appertaining to Mexico, and 
> remaining for the future within the limits of the United States, shall 
> be respected as valid, to the same extent that the same grants would 
> be valid, to the said territories had remained within the limits of 
> Mexico. But the grantees of lands in Texas, put in possession thereof, 
> who, by reason of the circumstances of the country since the beginning 
> of the troubles between Texas and the Mexican Government, may have 
> been prevented from fulfilling all the conditions of their grants, 
> shall be under the obligation to fulfill the said conditions within 
> the periods limited in the same respectively; such periods to be now 
> counted from the date of the exchange of ratifications of this Treaty: 
> in default of which the said grants shall not be obligatory upon the 
> State of Texas, in virtue of the stipulations contained in this 
> Article.  
> The foregoing stipulation in regard to grantees of land in Texas, is 
> extended to all grantees of land in the territories aforesaid, 
> elsewhere than in Texas, put in possession under such grants; and, in 
> default of the fulfillment of the conditions of any such grant, within 
> the new period, which, as is above stipulated, begins with the day of 
> the exchange of ratifications of this treaty, the same shall be null 
> and void.
> In the city of Queretaro on the twenty sixth of the month of May 
> eighteen hundred and forty-eight at a conference between Their 
> Excellencies Nathan Clifford and Ambrose H. Sevier Commissioners of 
> the United States of America, with fuil powers from their Government 
> to make to the Mexican Republic suitable explanations in regard to the 
> amendments which the Senate and Government of the said United States 
> have made in the treaty of peace, friendship, limits and definitive 
> settlement between the two Republics, signed in Guadalupe Hidalgo, on 
> the second day of February of the present year, and His Excellency Don 
> Luis de la Rosa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Mexico, 
> it was agreed, after adequate conversation respecting the changes 
> alluded to, to record in the present protocol the following 
> explanations which Their aforesaid Excellencies the Commissioners gave 
> in the name of their Government and in fulfillment of the Commission 
> conferred upon them near the Mexican Republic.  
> First.  
> The american Government by suppressing the IXth article of the Treaty 
> of Guadalupe and substituting the III article of the Treaty of 
> Louisiana did not intend to diminish in any way what was agreed upon 
> by the aforesaid article IXth in favor of the inhabitants of the 
> territories ceded by Mexico. Its understanding that all of that 
> agreement is contained in the IIId article of tile Treaty of Louisiana. 
> In consequence, all the privileges and guarantees, civil, political 
> and religious, which would have been possessed by the inhabitants of 
> the ceded territories, if the IXth article of the Treaty had been 
> retained, will be enjoyed by them without any difference under the 
> article which has been substituted.  
> Second.  
> The American Government, by suppressing the Xth article of the Treaty 
> of Guadalupe did not in any way intend to annul the grants of lands 
> made by Mexico in the ceded territories. These grants, notwithstandjng 
> the suppression of the article of the Treaty, preserve the legal value 
> which they may possess; and the grantees may cause their legitimate 
> tities to be acknowledged before the american tribunals.  
> Conformably to the law of the United States, legitimate titles to 
> every description of property personal and real, existing in the ceded 
> territories, are those which were legitimate titles under the Mexican 
> law in California and New Mexico up to the I3th of May 1846, and in 
> Texas up to the 2d March 1836.  
> Third.  
> The Government of the United States by suppressing the concluding 
> paragraph of article XIIth of the Treaty, did not intend to deprive 
> the Mexican Republic of the free and unrestrained faculty of ceding, 
> conveying or transferring at any time (as it may judge best> the sum 
> of the twelve [sic] millions of dollars which the same Government of 
> the United States is to deliver in the places designated by the 
> amended article.  
> And these explanations having been accepted by the Minister of Foreign 
> Affairs of the Mexican Republic, he declared in name of his Government 
> that with the understanding conveyed by them, the same Government 
> would proceed to ratify the Treaty of Guadalupe as modified by the 
> Senate and Government of the United States. In testimony of which 
> their Excellencies the aforesaid Commissioners and the Minister have 
> signed and sealed in quintuplicate the present protocol.  
> [Seal] A. H. Sevier
> [Seal] Nathan Clifford
> [Seal] Luis de la Rosa
> > 
> > I don't see it anywhere either. I wonder if the Wiki article was in 
> > reference to the portions removed by the US Senate.
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Russel Madere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:54 AM
> > > To: CF-Community
> > > Subject: Re: English in America in trouble?
> > > 
> > > Which article?  I can't find the word language in it anywhere.  I 
> > also
> > > can only find one mention of the word Spanish and it references 
> the
> > > Spanish Fleet.
> > > 
> > > >Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > 
> > > 

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