So let me get this straight.  Say you have an existing record.  I
normally have a view screen which then links to an edit screen.  On
the edit screen you would only have a submit or "update" button with
no cancel?  Are you relying on the user to just use the back button?

On 5/18/07, Casey Dougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/18/07, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > i dont either case... no point to them anymore... not that i could
> > ever find a REAL need for one anyway...
> Yeah bud, and going along with what Erika said, I hate not paying attention
> and hitting the cancel button.
> I've also given up on actually deleting records because it's about as bad as
> the cancel button. End users will at some point find a way to delete a
> record they didn't want deleted.

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