> Rush aired a musical parody called "Barak The Magic Negro" which
> sounds like basically a Blackface show from the early 1900s.
> Now people are complaining and Rush is whining.

Where ya been?  This was last week's news... and last *month's* parody!

Actually, Rush didn't even come up with the term, it's an old label
that was used by LA Times Columnist David Ehrenstein, the original
article can be found at:

Where the last paragraph reads:
"Like a comic-book superhero, Obama is there to help, out of the sheer
goodness of a heart we need not know or understand. For as with all
Magic Negroes, the less real he seems, the more desirable he becomes.
If he were real, white America couldn't project all its fantasies of
curative black benevolence on him."

Rush's parody uses the brash nature of the Rev. Al Sharpton as a
counterpoise to this sentiment.

Also, IIRC the reason Rush was so hot under the collar was because the
TV station was attributing him and Paul Shanklin (the actual parody
artist) with a video that neither of them had anything to do with.

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