1. Trouble resulting from an abrupt Iraqi withdrawal. (worldwide long 
term anti-US sentiments, further destabilization of the region, mass 
genocide via ethnic / religious cleansing. We pull out, you have Bosnia 
all over again.  Hundreds of thousands will die.  Iraq was far less a 
danger than the Soviet Union was.  We didn't attack the Soviet's because 
of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) unfortunately Iraq didn't present 
enough of a threat. So we thought we could go in and create a nicer 
Iraq.  Wrong.  Saddam was contained, now we have mass civil / religious 
wars.  We started them, it is our responsibility to stabilize the 
country again. If that means dividing it into three regions with a 
federal system to handle oil revenue then so be it.  Each region can be 
autonomous, with revenues evenly divided from oil. oil fields and 
borders will be DMZs protected by UN peace keeping forces via swath's of 
bare land to protect against attacks.)

2. Religious Extremism (this is WWIII in the making, and we may have 
started it by going into Iraq, prior to that it was a small problem we 
have exacerbated it. Had we concentrated on Bin Laden and his band of 
misfits we would have greatly reduced this threat.)

3. Bin Laden and Al Qaeda (This is the group and Iran most likely to 
take advantage of the items in #4. It is also probably the largest 
single threat to the lives of  Americans,  Western allies and secular 
people everywhere. Also the largest supporter of Religious Extremism.  
We had our chance in Afghanistan and we blew it (leadership not 
military).  We then attacked Iraq rather than completing our mission 
against terrorism and the Al Qaeda in particular.)

5. Iran  (Iran is more of a concern because of our administration's 
approach to them than they are a concern on their own.  Along with Bin 
Laden's boys they are the most likely to garner uncontrolled materials.  
How effectively they  could use them, hey that's another question.  Best 
left alone.  Impose sanctions, isolate and let the people of Iran handle 
their own problems.  Iran is far more secular than the current 
leadership would like the world to believe.  Let regime change happen 
from within.)

4. Uncontrolled materials and personnel used in the production of WMD 
(scientists, enriched uranium, etc) (If we put 1/20 of the effort we put 
into Iraq into this issue it would go away within five years.  Besides 
the odds of being able to move WMDs or Uncontrolled materials aren't 
very good. However, you only have to be successful once.)

6. North Korea (North Korea is more a threat to themselves than anyone 
else.  As long as the don't attack anyone who cares what they do.  They 
are going to continue with their nuke program, we cannot stop them 
without a regime change, err... that's sounds vaguely familiar.  Reagan, 
Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. all have tried to control North Korea and 
failed.  North Korea will not attack the South, nor the Japanese.  They 
have to attack the US if they go South, we sit between North Korea and 
South Korean cities.  And attacking Japan is like attacking the US.  If 
they make such a move nobody, not the Chinese, nor the Russians can or 
would try to protect them.  Their not that stupid. Close, but not quite.)

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