sheesh!  When your engagement is over a year long, people are bound to
get married during that time.  I say your sister shouldn't have waited
so long.

On 5/24/07, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my sisters wedding date is 6/7/8 my old wedding date. i didnt care
> too much, whatever, its her shit, whatever.
> however, now that i am engaged, my fiance and i would like to have
> our wedding on march 1st of 08.  over 3 months before hers.
> she is complaining in a VERY crazy manner, that we are going to
> steal her thunder, yadda yadda yadda...
> i say, its my fiance's first, its her date to choose, she shouldnt have
> to worry about ANYONE elses date, not one bit.
> the only crossovers will be my family's attendance and even that
> only my IMMEDIATE family will be there, not really too many others
> who will be at both.
> should i wait till AFTER hers, or is it my fiances choice, and i should
> roll with her wishes?
> help :(
> --
> 'Never have anything in your life that you can't walk out on in thirty
> seconds flat, if you spot the heat coming around the corner'
> robert deniro - heat (1995)

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