On 5/25/07, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, Sam, it's a different quote. I am proud of you for noticing that <g>
> So let me see. We were questioning whether anyone ever said we would be in 
> and out of Iraq in two years.

No, GG said something about Cheney saying we'll be out in 12-18
months. Someone else asked for a link and we got a link with no such
We STILL don't have a link to the 12-18 month quote.

> Here we have Cheney going a step further and saying "weeks not months." And 
> you're not happy?

And he was right.

"The really challenging part of it to some extent may come in the
aftermath once the military segment is over and we move to try and
stand up a new government and turn over to the
Iraqi people the responsibilities to their nation."

> And I'm the asshole?

Finally we agree :)

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