This is an issue from back in April but I just heard about it today.,1299,DRMN_15_5539466,00.html

To summarize, the school hosted a panel by the Conference on World
Affairs where students were told, "I am going to encourage you to have
sex and encourage you to use drugs appropriately," by a clinical

The topic of the conference was titled "STDs: Sex, Teens and Drugs."
There was no talk of abstinence in the 90-minute presentation, with
panelists assuming students were already using drugs and having sex.

"Now, what is healthy sexual behavior? Well, I don't care if it's with
men and men, women and women, men and women -- whatever combination
you would like to put together," Becker said.

Many students were required to attend because their teachers cancelled
class and attended the panel.

Conference on World Affairs director Jim Palmer said Boulder High
students and a representative from the school choose the topics each
year and help choose the panelists.

He said none of the panelists told the students they should or
shouldn't use drugs or have sex. Rather, he said, the panelists told
students to make decisions that are appropriate for them and to know
the consequences.

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