> "I think the judge has Judge Ito disease, he wanted to get his name in
> the paper and he succeeded. And everyone around her, everyone involved
> in this case is not going to have a story to sell to inside edition. I
> think that no one disputes that anyone else ... a normal citizen
> wouldn't get 45 days in this case. Even Nicole Richie, who isn't a
> normal citizen, didn't get a sentence like this."

Two things come out here - first of all she's telling the absolute
truth on both points:
1. The justice system is using this case to get press and fodder for publishing.
2. The statute that was judged on has a maximum sentence of 45 days;
the average is around 15 days from what I've been seeing.

However, I fail to see where pointing either of these facts out is
defending Hilton in any way.

Regardless, point number 1 has is completely true... watch the news
and look at our threads, how much oxygen are we wasting on her?

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