then good for you but other people have to account for it.

"Safari isn't a major player in the browser market. IE has been a major
>player for 10 years now. Some Mozilla based system (Netscape, Firefox,
>Mozilla) has been a major player for even longer."

Ummm its like #3 dude and should be accounted for.

"Safari is new to the world. Other browsers have tried to make gains, but
>have all failed."

true but the others dont have an ace on deck like apple does, if apple FORCED 
ppl into things like m$ does then there would be awhole lot of trouble going on 
because apple could do that and capture a HUGE part of the browser market.

"I would prefer to see Apple adopt firefox as the
>standard browser and put money and support behind it and not have to
>deal with another platform that people will expect support for when we
>don't have the time or the energy to care."

LMFAO... well i would like to see m$ give up ie and adopt firefox but it aint 
gunna happen. And its already there and should be accounted for, you need to 
come out of your lil "m$" world.

>That is the beauty about not doing client work anymore. We can dictate
>what the people have to use, we don't worry about the fringe, we have
>support for specific platforms, and that is the way it works. 
>As for the w3c, it isn't hard to follow the w3c standards and still have
>it work. When the focus is on application development and design is
>centered around clean functional design creating extensive sites are
>Safari isn't a major player in the browser market. IE has been a major
>player for 10 years now. Some Mozilla based system (Netscape, Firefox,
>Mozilla) has been a major player for even longer.
>Safari is new to the world. Other browsers have tried to make gains, but
>have all failed. I would prefer to see Apple adopt firefox as the
>standard browser and put money and support behind it and not have to
>deal with another platform that people will expect support for when we
>don't have the time or the energy to care.
>> wasnt going to matter...
>> Aplle doesnt "need" to get into the business world for it to matter.
>> go back to ipods, everyone on earth has at least 1 it seems and if you
>> notice Apple obviously is following a very specific plan, I surely
>> count them out of this browser race.
>> If you dont want it then fine but why piss on everyones's parade who
>> use it?
>> Your sites all worked perfectly from ie6-7, then you are one of the
>> few or arent following w3c very much, i guess table layouts might be
>> way to go eh?
>> Say that apple comes out with a nifty lil gadget on safari for myspace
>> that lets you share your addressbook, songlists, whatever else they
>> up with on your myspace profile if you are using safari (this is just
>> exaggerated  example) that would instantly give them about how many
>> users?
>> If you dont support the 3rd largest browser then I am glad i dont have
>> site done by you guys. You may not see many safari users out there but
>> sure do.

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