On 6/12/07, Jim Davis wrote:...

> There's no reason that vast areas of our current knowledge CAN'T be wrong
> -
> but it's very unlikely. To even consider it extraordinary proof will be
> demanded.  Even Hancock admits that his work isn't "scientific" - he terms
> its "advocacy".

I don't know how unlikely it is... as you say, much of what comes about
is because of what already exists...

wasn't there a big hubbub about the "unbreakable" sound barrier?

G[funky o]del?  Boyd? (heh)

There are techniques that the "ancients" used that we cannot replicate...
heck, just a bit ago we figured out what they'd been sticking in some
paint, ya know?  just a bit ago!

I know none of these are examples of The Matrix, but it's pretty important
to remember that we don't really know squat, ya know?  Frightening, to
most, which is why we prefer the "accepted" version our senses perceive.

Heck, if so and so said such and such... it's more important than if X says
such in such.  Not to hard to see a chain of events leading to large areas
of knowledge being... um, corrupt?  Not as firm as we thought? eh...

Don't discount the power of a bunch of people thinking a certain way...

It's what is for den... er...
I love mystery so much, I forget everything.  =-P

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