First thing is first.

The Poverty Level for a single person living alone is: $9,800 per year
which put you making around $4.71 per hour.

With local fast food places starting at $9.00 per hour, it is pretty
easy for a single person to live above the poverty line.

With two people, the line is at $13,200. Again, one person working fast
food at $9.00 an hour still gets more than that. Three person family is
at $16,000, so that same $9.00 per hour still puts you above poverty.

It isn't until a 4 person family that the income rises to $20,000 per
year, so you'd have to make $9.62 to be above the poverty line with a
family of four.

Really what is comes down to as that the poverty line is a Bullshit
number based on information from the lower 48 states. Alaska and Hawaii
put the poverty line higher.

So basically it comes down to, if you can hold down a fast food job you
won't live in poverty. And so long as you are able to show up for work,
and can listen and follow directions, you can probably hold down a fast
food job.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 10:10 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Poverty Challenge!
> I just heard an interesting stat that surely someone here would like
> to debunk?  Well, here it is:
> In America, one has a 0% chance of living below the poverty line if:
> (1.) You graduate from High School
> (2.) You don't have child out of wedlock, and
> (3.) You don't become addicted to alcohol or drugs.
> Seems like a simple prescription for success.

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