there are always financial issues. Earlier in this thread I mentioned that my 
mother was told she was too young for knee surgery. As I understand it that's a 
financial issue... it's an expensive surgrey and they don't want to do it more 
than once. 

If you really want to impress me though, you'll find a US insurance company 
that covers this drug. Or an article about a British child who has Ashley's 
condition and is dying for lack of medical care. 

Gruss would say you always have the choice of paying the $4k a month yourself 
;\ Just pick yourself up by your bootstaps and max out a credit card <g>

> Or would it?
> Cancer patients told life-prolonging treatment is too expensive for 
> On 6/20/07, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > See now -- what those parents are going through, that's barbaric. 
> Whatever else you want to say about the flaws in the British or 
> Canadian medical systems, this would not be happening there.

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