On 6/25/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I was trying to post facts not opinions, that's why, lol. I don't
> claim to totally understand the issues either, but god, causes for
> poverty... go look at some of those youtube videos I posted in the
> other thread! There is the economic shift to a service economy. There
> is lack of education and barriers to learning. There is daycare costs.
> There is outsourcing....
> I don't mean to be rude, Brian, as you seem to actually be thinking
> about the issue, but it took a think tank, what, forty pages to talk
> about part of this problem.
> There is no way to give a sensible answer to the question in twenty
> five words or less.
> Dana

Yer not being rude, and I certainly didn't mean to come across so curtly. I
just wonder if there is really any disagreement here. I think we all see the
need for a safety net to help those who are thrust into poverty through no
fault of their own. We also need to remove the road blocks you mention above
that prevent many from pulling themselves up.....basically, if someone has
the WILL to succeed, we must ensure they have the WAY.

I think Gruss also has a point that there are people who have become
impoverished through bad life choices. Gruss seems to want to make a
distinction, or at the very least, put some oversight into social welfare on
people who may fall into this category....to ensure an ROI for society.

Social programs have to place requirements on recipients, do they not, to
ensure that the ultimate goal is eventually met: a self-supporting member of

Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of

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