Is there a CMOS battery in the laptop.  It is kind of small, looks like a watch 
battery.  You may need to remove the keyboard to find it.

>>> "Gruss Gott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/02/07 12:15 PM >>>
I've got a PC that's on the fritz and will randomly give me the BSOD
with a memory fault, "trying to access paged memory in a non-paged
area" after telling me it found new USB or PCI hardware even though I
didn't touch it.  Once it crashes I have to try to reboot about 10
times before it'll come up (I just get a blank screen otherwise).

But here's the REALLY WEIRD part:

Today I put the machine on standby.  When I tried to wake it, it never
came back so I hit the power button to shut it down.  Then I removed
the battery, pushed a bunch of buttons including the power button,
replaced the battery and tried to reboot.

It took about 10 tries before it actually booted, the other times
displaying nothing on the screen.  So finally it comes back up and
looks like it's booting ...BUT!

It asks me to log in, which I do.  AND THEN IT RETURNS ME TO MY
SESSION!  All my previously opened apps, their state, everything.  And
I was able to work for about 5 min before the BSOD again.

How can a PC do that?  I thought that when you shut it down,
especially if you remove the battery, that it clears RAM.  Where is it
storing my session?  Is there some ROM session storage that's going

I thought PCs read software from disk into RAM and held session info
there such that when you lose RAM you lose your session.  Apparently
this is not the case?

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