strange, coloured here... And I haven't done anything special... On 7/6/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Actually I am using IE7 - the tabs are a dead giveaway, and the help-about > section identifies it as version > > Anyway, I did a little research and found this site > ( > > Specifically, this line - "In IE7, most normal sites including those with > "the lock" today will not have a color-filled address bar." > > So then I would automatically assume that Verisign is one of these normal > sites. But then I read this paragraph: > > "If the browsers and the Certification Authority industry can generate > better guidelines to identify web sites, we want to take the experience in > the address bar a step further to help create a positive experience for > rigorously identified HTTPS sites. We have implemented a green-filled > address bar in IE7 for sites that meet future guidelines for better > identity > validation. Along with the green fill, our current design for the address > bar includes the name of the business alternating with the name of the > third > party Certification Authority who identified the business. We think this > alternating presentation of business name with Certification Authority > name > is the right balance of user notification and simplicity." > > So, by looking at this, I assume that MS does have this in place, or is > this > something that is still in the works. If they do have it in place, then I > would think that Verisign would have these rigorous certs in place so that > the feature they are promoting actually works. > > > > Bruce > > -----Original Message----- > From: Andrew Scott > > You are using IE6, or something else. > > Firefox is yellowish, and looks different. > > > > >
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