Perhaps. It does help to not be seven and to be able to see the light
at the end of the tunnel. I can't compare what white people experience
vs what minorities experience, but I can assure you that there
definitely is, no question, such a thing as reverse racism. I saw it
on inner-city schools in Florida and it's alive and well in southwest


I think the key thing here is that people need to learn to see one
another as individuals and not as some emblem of the Other. Otherwise
tiny darkhaired children become part of an invasion force and blond
boys become the oppressor.

On 7/6/07, Deanna Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/5/07, Dana  wrote:
> > I never found being the brunt of prejudice to be terribly
> > character-forming. Personally. I decided my kids should not have
> > mandatory exposure to ignorance. Personally.
> >
> >
> Interesting. I found the opposite to be true. As a white person, I
> think we're so rarely subjected to anything remotely like what most
> minority groups go through, that it was an enlightening experience
> when I was in the minority. Not necessarily  fun experience, but
> enlightening, none the less.

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