Saw it on Friday with wifey. It was a funny movie, but I never saw life the way other guys did.
I had my first son's name picked out when I was twelve, and couldn't *wait* to become a father (I turned 22 a week before David was born). When I divorced, I sued for full custody and won, and raised David alone. It was hard, but it made me a better man. Children make you into the man you really are. Hopefully mostly a better one. If you ever have the chance to become a father, do it immediately. Do not pass GO, but collect the $200 because diapers are expensive, as it everything else. Greatest natural mechanism for investing your whole life into the child (your only real reason for existing) there is. Makes you really understand that it's all about them first, foremost, and always. Respectfully, Adam Phillip Churvis Get advanced intensive Master-level training in C# & ASP.NET 2.0 for ColdFusion Developers at -----Original Message----- From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 12:59 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Knocked Up Anybody see it? I saw it this weekend and thought it was hilarious; a bit crude, so you might take that into account, but pretty funny. I also thought there were some pretty interesting and obvious philosophical sub-texts: * You can still be cool while being a responsible parent. * Men need to grow up and step up when they make babies. * Men need to quit whining about how much marriage ties them down; they have it pretty damn good and they better realize that or their life will suck. * You might get pink eye from bumping your nose into a stripper's bum. Interestingly, the assumption of the movie was that women should just be responsible and bite the bullet. While they will get old and unattractive, that's life, so they should suck it up and deal. Lots of life's wisdom for men in there, but not much for women (so my wife tells me). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: