Check out the "Loyalty Oath" that the Chairman of the Kansas GOP dreamed up
to try to stem the recent decline of his party in my state. I promise this
is not a joke, this is the actual text of a document that they want GOP
candidates to sign:

I, _______________, promise never to abandon my present Republican Party
affiliation for the purpose of political gain. The Republican Party, both
nationally and domestically, was founded on sound and principled ideals,
that include but are not limited to, personal liberty, individual freedom,
responsive and citizen-based Government, life-affirming values, economic
growth, strong and cutting edge military, low taxes and a mutual respect for
fellow Republicans. Because of that, I will, at no point in my political or
personal future, find cause to transfer my Party loyalty to any other
affiliated organization.

I will not, at any future moment, become a registered Democrat for the
purpose of seeking any political office. Additionally, I will not change my
Party affiliation to that of any peripheral political party, such as the
Reform Party, the titties Party or the Libertarian Party. *Such a move would
be not only opportunistic, it would be an unjustified trampling of
everything that I previously claimed to stand for.*

I care far too deeply about the previously espoused Republican ideals as
well as the thousands of hard-working Republican citizens all over the State
of Kansas to ever consider changing my political Party affiliation. I look
forward to a life of citizen-serving, Republican political involvement. I
thank the Kansas Republican Party, including all of the registered Kansas
Republicans, for their years of service, good will and friendship.

I solemnly pledge to always be a Republican, no matter what promises are
made by external forces seeking only to undermine the Republican values I
stand for. I can have reasonable disagreement with members of the Republican
Party; however, at no point will 'Party switching' or quitting of the Party
be tolerable.


X __________________________________

Then before, and now once more, I'm bouncin' round the room.

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