The employee directory is the top used function of every intranet.
Self-service functions are also big, e.g. if you need a new phone, etc., you
go to the self-service portal and request it. Beyond that it really depends
on the particulars of the intranet- HR functions like time off payroll, etc.
are broadly used, but the directory is the top of the food chain.

If you want to go for an Enterprise 2.0 play, turning the employee directory
into a corporate MySpace or LinkedIn is a good place to start.

On 8/2/07, Adam Churvis wrote:
> Quick poll:
> In your experience, what have been the features and functionality that
> you,
> your associates, and your clients have found most useful in an intranet or
> extranet of any kind, regardless of platform?
> Your input is most appreciated.  I'm trying to settle a bet.
Robert Munn

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