Howdee... I am unaware that such an animal exists, but I thought maybe there were enough pieces to a variety of puzzles laying around the 'net that I might be able to collect the ones I need and create my own puzzle. So, where better to ask for expert opinions than here? ;-)
Think online consignment shop... 1. You are the owner 2. You collect a single payment from the consumer 3. You want to split the inbound payment, collecting your %, and pass the remainder on to the item's actual owner. (As opposed to accepting the entire payment and cutting a check to the item's actual owner.) That's it in a nutshell. Again, I don't think such an animal exists, just looking for ideas, if you're willing to share. Thanks! Matt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion 8 - Build next generation apps today, with easy PDF and Ajax features - download now Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: