am i crazy to think about this... imagine a national jihad. you send little sleeper cells into the fabric of america. slowly they gobble up every single gas station in america. every one of them. on the call of someone up above or someone in a cave, the order is given. throw a couple sticks of tnt into your tanks, and BOOOOM!!!
america falls into nationwide terror at every corner, there is a fire. there is no gas available to drive away. countless houses, countless convenience stores, countless lives all lost through the explosions. think im crazy. go take a drive to the convenience store of your choice, and tell me who is running the register... the numbers are ugly. am i crazy? -- 'Never have anything in your life that you can't walk out on in thirty seconds flat, if you spot the heat coming around the corner' robert deniro - heat (1995) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: