While working at major health care provider in Dallas, we hired a VB
programmer who had a very impressive resume. At that time we were not
bombarding them with a lot of technial questions (mistake!). Well this guy
ended up working with us for almost a year before
 we caught on to what he was doing.

He was tasked to write a very simple employee directory that interfaced with
AD. Our department was on two different floors. The Internet/portal team was
on 24 and my team, the Intranet team was on 25. So this guy would jump
between floors and employees, making sure that no two adjoining employees
were ever visited in the same week, and ask questions about how to approach
a certain problem, and when we would show him what we would do, his answer
was usually 'Yeah, that is what I was thinking to, but I wanted to see if
there was a better way'. So anyway, a few of us got together for lunch and
we started talking about so and so and why it was taking him so long to
create such a simple app. Once we all discovered what he was doing, we made
management aware of it and he was subsequently released. When we checked his
computer, in addition to a beginning VB tutorial CD in the computer, there
was all of our "code examples" in the app, which was barely halfway

The result of that debacle was that from then on, we would bombard the new
candidates with a lot of technical questions from SQL Server to .NET and CF
(untill they made the decision to go completely MS).


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