my wife's father is semi-pro. guess he could have gone pro if he left GM when he was younger. he still make a bit of money, but i just don't understand the game.
he had a hart attack on the 9th hole, waited another 18 holes & a car ride to a resturant in NC befor he told his buddies. could have died. i remember driving my wife 5 hours at 80+ mph to get to the hospital they where doing the open chest bypass on him.. 3 years latter and he still goes on golfing tournaments with his buddies. on thing that has latley been ticking me off is his buddies are ditching him, because he cleans them out.. guess they are tired of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion 8 - Build next generation apps today, with easy PDF and Ajax features - download now Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: