WTF do you call this?

"well gosh Dana, *all* media is lib'ral isn't it? Except of course for EIB!

see, you're showing your lib'ral bias!

Ev'ry good American knows that EIB is!

That Fox be to the left of EIB shows that Fox, too, is a bastion of
lib'ral eeeeee-vil!!"

He was mocking people that listen to Rush as if they had low IQ's. I
didn't say he was retarded. I asked him to stop talking like a
mentally challenged person and act like himself and enter the
conversation. Different words of course but I shouldn't have to
explain that.

On 8/14/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just as much as the word retard was thrown out. My use of those edited words 
> was as a comparison. I was saying it was as bad calling someone a retard as 
> to use other words.
> >
> >See retard has been an acceptable shortening for mental retardation
> >until the last 10 or so years. The reason it's not acceptable anymore
> >because people call other people retards as if being handicapped is a
> >bad thing. I wasn't using it that way.
> That's bull shit, you said,
> Don't talk like a retard
> That's offensive and meant to hurt and demean others. Its an excuse to make 
> the person you were referring to  as inferior to you and somewhat inhuman. It 
> is evidence of the same mindset as a racist.
> >
> >If I said he was acting like a black man then that would be an insult.
> >But saying stop using your black man voice isn't an insult to anyone.
> >Maybe a better example is substituting Negro for black man. Some how
> >Negro became a bad word the same as black is becoming the new bad
> >word. I'm too international to use African American. That assumes all
> >blacks now live in America.
> >
> >As for my best friends are...
> >You claimed you used to work with...
> >I still do.
> >

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