On 8/16/07, Yves Arsenault wrote:
> Wow.. I must have been asleep while typing....
> I meant, hard to deny that the pollution we create is significant.
> I believe it is significant IMO....
> Just wanted to clarify my comments..

I agree 100%- I can look out my window and see the effects of
our stay on this green ball.  The smog cloud is pretty bad some
days-  Sure, we're in a "bowl", like LA, or whatnot, but I don't
like how people use that to dissuade change "Hey, sure it's
nasty looking, and scary to think we're breathing it, but, look,
we're in this bowl, see... it's not /that/ bad, in ""reality""".

Yet we're telling people they can't smoke cigarettes, cuz of AC?

Guess that's easier than taking peoples cars, but hell, it's got
to start somewhere, right?  And we love the State/Fed telling us
how to live, anyways.  Bah.  First they come for X, then Y, & den
ME!  Wake up, we're asleep at the wheel! (for anyone who thinks
that Humans aren't /that/ big of an impact-  Read some Science
News, Russ, take a gander at what all we've managed to effect.
Pretty cool, and sorta scary, maybe, if you don't take it as "hey,
we can change it back too" or something like that.  Hope we can)

I do love this song tho...

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