The new models come with 2gbs of ram already so not sure why they are quoting 
you for more than that. I think he was saying adding another 2gbs to make it 
4gb total which is expensive because you need 2x2gb sticks and those arent 
cheap. 2gb is fine, use the other $700 for an iphone, they are the coolest 
thing there ever was!

The MBP I have only lets you have 2gb but I think the new ones you can go to 

Dont go with parallels go with vmware fusion barely uses much ram, parallels 
takes tons.

They just came out with new models a few weeks ago with faster chips and option 
for an led screen. Im waiting till leapord comes out to get a newer one as I 
bet they will have another big jump in specs to spark sales.

As far as even trying to compare a dell to a mbp is a total joke.... the 
quality is nowhere near the same universe.

straight from apple store

2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1440 x 900 resolution
2GB memory
120GB hard drive1
8x double-layer SuperDrive
NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics with 128MB SDRAM
Ships: 7-10 business days
Free Shipping

>Today, I got a MacBook Pro purchased approved.  I'm supposed to keep
>it around $2k so it looks like I'll be getting the 15 inch screen.  It
>looks really easy to select one, but is there something I may be
>overlooking?  Are there some must have peripherals that I should get
>while the getting is still good?
>Lastly, are they about to release a new MacBook Pro?
>"Heavy...heavy water, won't wash away the sins of the father" 

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latest product release - download the "What's New PDF" now


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