Yep, I did realize it was scale. The arm reaches a max of 32" high, though, so I'm expecting it to need a bit more swing room than the base size.
Plus, I have an L-shaped desk, and the arms are only about 36" and covered in stuff (books, caffeine, sunglasses, pens, phone....) so there just isn't room. --BenD I realized, even at scale it, would require a big desk which I am blessed with. But we are creative types, does it need to live on a desk? I was also thinking if one had based the desk size requirements just on the pictures - it looks full size on those/ I am not sure that the pictures might not be of a full size recreation that the scale model is based on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs Forum direct from active programmers and developers. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: