> Sam wrote:
> > > Don't tell me I'm the only straight guy here that gets hit on by other
> > > men, not as much days since I grew the beer belly
> >

In MN, unless you're in a gay club or open gay area, the wedding ring
prevents most of that; actually straight or gay.  I think that's all
part of "MN Nice".

But in other cities, that doesn't seem to be the case.  E.g., I was
hit on by a gay dude (it was his birthday) in a wine bar at the Ferry
Building (not fairy) in SFO.  And then when I left to walk around,
about every 10 feet.

Now, I talked to the gay dude in the wine bar for 45 min, and he was
very polite and honest - I even considered letting him show me around,
but then concluded that I would probably be sending the wrong message

That wasn't the case on the street though; sometimes you had to make
your status clear to both men and women.  At night downtown there it's
a little rowdy :)

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