>So what is better? I want to get a new game console (I still have a PS1). I
>like the wii because you are not tethered to a cable, but Sony always has
>kick ass games.

I don't think "better" really enters into it.

Right now, at this moment, the 360 has a definate edge.  It had a year's 
headstart and it used it well.  Lots of games, many of them great.  Where it 
lacks is really innovative games and in breadth of choice (there's at least a 
few games in most categories but sports, shooters and racers account for nearly 
the whole library).  

Still nearly every game has a free demo and there are dozens of downloaded 
"Arcade" games to choose from (all with free demos) so you can really play for 
free for months.

The PS3 is worth getting, especially if you already have an HDTV or a PSP, but 
should be worth truly recommending by the end of the year (when several key 
titles come out).  Right now pickings are pretty slim.

But, as with the 360, there's a lot of free demos and a good selection of 
downloadable games.  Many of the recent annoucements are truly exciting and 
Sony is clearly pushing innovative gameplay ("Eye of Judgement" is a prime 

Right now the PS3 is the system I'm most excited about.  Google "Little Big 
Planet" and watch any of the videos: that game is worth the system to me.  
"Home" looks great and there simply seem to be more games in my prefered genres 
(platformer, adventure games, RPGs, etc) than the other systems.

The Wii is a fine little system - and cheap comparitively - but is also the 
most frustrating.  The Virtual Console is SO COOL... but there are NO demos of 
any of the games so it just becomes a way to play games you alreay know inside 
out.  The few Wii games that AREN'T minigame collections have been 
dissappointing ("Zelda", "Red Steel", "Far Cry") - either hamstrung by crappy 
controls or crappy graphics.

It's telling that the game we play more than anything is "Wii Sports" (the pack 
in) although my son plays "Mario Party" quite a bit (although he actually 
prefers the older Gamecube game to the new Wii one).

I've not got it yet but I've heard that "Metroid" really shows what the system 
can do... but honestly if I didn't have kids I would have considered it a waste 
of money.  With kids it's a GREAT toy... but don't expect any truly interesting 

Jim Davis 

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