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The Israelis look like they are prepping to flatten these Syrian nuclear
installations, and maybe the Syrian military while they are at it. I don't
blame them. Syria is another fascist dictatorship that funds terrorists and
does nothing but make trouble in the region. I don't think the U.S. will get
involved in that fight at all, BTW.

The Iranian theocracy is despised by the vast majority of Iranian citizens.
They are the biggest state sponsors of terror, and they keep threatening to
wipe another sovereign country (Israel) off the map. They are clinging to
power through intimidation and fear, and the nuclear push is their last
attempt at it. I think we might see a U.S. bombing campaign against their
nuclear installations by the Spring, but I don't think we will see ground
forces engaging with each other. In a straight-up fight the U.S. would crush
the Iranian military, and both sides know it. I also don't think the U.S.
has any interest in a ground invasion of Iran. My bet is that U.S. leaders
may hope to do enough damage through a bombing campaign to weaken the
mullahs grip on power and inspire ordinary Iranians to stand up and throw
out the hated mullahs.

The real danger is that the Iranians might try to block the Strait of
Hormuz- hence the two U.S. carrier groups (and probably several submarines)
patrolling the Gulf right now.

On 9/12/07, morchella wrote:
> i thick we should hit Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North
> Korea in one fell swoop.
> if the Xsoviets say crap hit them too & maybe Turkey and India for kicks.
> o wait, and China..
> and teh feckin irish
> then again i am a little crazy..

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