Wow that Cali sunset is beeeee-yoo-ti-ful.....

On 11/6/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, the pics are up of Operation Firestorm 2007. Warning: They are
> pretty boring to those who did not participate, but none the less here
> they are. This is not all of them mind you, just the ones that mean
> anything.
> To recap what we did:
> The California National Guard was called up to augment local law
> enforcement. We provided patrols of evacuated neighborhoods as well as
> help enforce road closures and towards the end, keep border jumpers from
> looting border towns that were evacuated. My troop (company in
> non-cavalry speak) ran the operations center where we coordinated the
> movement and missions of the other troops in our squadron (battalion in
> non-cavalry speak). There is a picture of our map board that has blue
> stickies that show where units are at. This picture was taken towards
> the end of the operations which is why they are so close together. At
> one time in the middle of all this, there were blue stickies all over
> the board.
> We also provided security for FEMA as well as the Red Cross to ensure
> order. Overall the mission was a great success and as someone on this
> list pointed out, it showcases how people can come together united in a
> common goal and be successful. Also, it is important to note that we had
> about five soldiers who lost their homes in these fires, but rather than
> go back to their burned homes and try to salvage what they could, the
> chose to stay with their respective units and finish the job they
> started. These men and women should be commended for their unselfishness
> and willingness to help others when clearly they were in need of help
> themselves. I take my hat off to them.
> Link below to pics.

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