> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:28 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: PS3 question
> I'm thinking of getting a PS3 in the next month or so. I'm aware that
> the new PS3 ($400/40GB?) is NOT backwards compatible for PS2 games.
> But is the $500 80GB version compatible?

Yes - but it's NOT as backwards compatible as the original 20 and 60 Gig
models (which are still around).

Sony has really detailed information about backwards compatibility and the
problems with specific titles here:


> I have a PS2, but I'd rather not have 2 systems hooked up that do the
> same thing. Also, does it use hardware or software to emulate the PS2?

The original models (20 and 60) include the PS2 system boards (Emotion
Engine, Vector Units, the works).  The 80 Gig is software emulated.

> Damn Sony.. I'm finally being suckered into buying one.. for Ratchet
> and Clank among a couple others. My wife and I said as soon as there's
> at least 5 games we HAVE to get on the PS3, we'd get one.
> We already have a 360 and Wii..
> Anyways, I've always been a Ratchet and Clank fan, and that Rise of
> Man game looked cool... Any others? Oh there's also a Silent Hill game
> coming out for the PS3.. damn exclusive titles!

"Ratchet and Clank: Future" and "Reistance: The Fall of Man" are both
stellar titles. They're both by Insomniac games and while they're polar
opposite in tone and content they share many aspects (amazing pacing,
incredible weaponry and a-list production values).

"Heavenly Sword" is a great experience - but short (about 6-8 hours) so I'd
say it's a rental - but a "must rent".

"Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" is Naughty Dog's ("Jak and Daxter") first PS3
game and is out this week.  The initial reviews are all incredibly favorable
and the demo left me wanting much more.

The only Eye game out now is "Eye of Judgment" (which is really fun but
definitely a niche game) but there are a whole slew of games being previewed
at the PlayStation blog and several of them look REALLY good.  "Trails of
Topoq" (imagine "Marble Madness controlled entirely with your body") looks
so very cool, unfortunately it's not out in the US yet:


As with the 360 some of the best games are on the Network.  "Super StarDust"
and "Everyday Shooter" are the absolute best dual-analog available on any
system, hands down.  "Flow" is over before you know it but shoudn't be
missed.  "Calling All Cars" is an amazingly fun multiplayer game.  Many of
the games are introduced at $2.99 (and hell... even a mediocre game is worth
2.99 and several of them have been great).

Of course most of the bigger multi-platform games are also available
(although the first batch were much worse on the PS3, now that developer's
have some experience with the console the games are pretty much exactly the

But none of that matters.  If you want to cement your decision just look up
any videos for "Little Big Planet".  I would buy the system for that game
alone based only on these early, alpha-stage videos.

Really... if that game sucks I'm liable to cut off a toe.  I'll be that
upset.  ;^)

Jim Davis

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