On Dec 3, 2007 8:44 AM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Gel wrote:
> > What if the government subsidises prices?
> >
> Where does gpvernment get the money to do that?  Government is funded
> by taxes and any taxes that fund the government come directly from the
> pockets of people.
> So you're proposeing:
> (1.) Forceably take money from people who could use it to buy whatever
> they want/need

Yeah, citizenship is a scam, man!

There's no force involved- we are the silly, silly people who want it this

In general, I agree with you, Gr-mang.  Just in general.  Thinking that
a "free market" is the end-all-be-all of/for freedom is... not right. :-)

How does that NIN song go-  God money?

Anarchy is a little too advanced for us now (or, alteratively, we're in a
of constant anarchy already- Re: Life :]).

And yet, I'm fearful for how little, people value the stuff that made this
what it is- and most of the people I "fear" consider themselves "patriots".
Ironic.  ( If I didn't love irony so much, it would be more frustrating. )

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