<div id="results">
<h2>Form Results</h2>
<!--- Check if form was submitted using POST --->
<cfif LCase(cgi.request_method) eq "post">
    <p>The following FORM variables were submitted by <br />
    <a href="#cgi.http_referer#">#cgi.http_referer#</a>:</p>
    <!--- Loop through field names and values --->
    <cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#" index="field">
      <strong>#field#</strong>: #form[field]#<br />

<!--- Check if form was submitted using GET --->
<cfelseif LCase(cgi.request_method) eq "get" and StructCount(url) neq 0>
  <cfset key_list = StructKeyList(url) />
    <p>The following URL variables were submitted by <br />
    <a href="#cgi.http_referer#">#cgi.http_referer#</a>:</p>
    <!--- Loop through field names and values --->
    <cfloop list="#key_list#" index="field">
      <strong>#field#</strong>: #url[field]#<br />

<!--- Display alternate message --->
  <p>No form was submitted to this page.</p>

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