There you go with conspiracy theories again. Was the glass ceiling for women
in the workplace a conspiracy? No. But it was still real.

This kind of broad discrimination goes on all the time. It just so happens
that in two prominent areas of mainstream US culture- academia and mass
media- liberals have a stranglehold on the levers of power, and they use
that stranglehold to deny a voice to people whose viewpoints they oppose.
Why are liberals so ticked off with Fox News? Because it exists. Because it
provides an alternative viewpoint to everything else in TV news. Naturally,
since liberals are good and just, everything they oppose must be evil and

The same holds for skeptics of global warming. They must not only be wrong,
they must be nefarious and evil, because they oppose the good and just
liberals of the world. Feh.

On Dec 30, 2007 3:10 PM, Dana  wrote:

> ya, there is a conspiracy to suppress the facts :) Sure, we understand.
> Why
> are they doing this, Robert?

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