First off my comment was about military actions that involved US 
interests, there have been many, and those countries did nothing to 
effect the security of the US directly, regardless of UN sanctioning of 
the events, the UN has no say over what we as a sovereign nation do, as 
you saw in Iraq.

No invasion of Kosovo?  Ok bud, keep thinking that. I know plenty that 
were boots on the ground that would totally disagree.

The 2/505th PIR (my former unit, C co) did a forced entry air assault 
from Albania into Kosovo, and received the spearhead (invasion) device 
on their kosovo LIBERATION awards.  Kosovo which was a part of 
Yugoslavia at the time.

The 65 JUMP into the Dominican Republic is the point I was trying to 
make.  We jumped the 82nd Airborne into a sovereign nation just to make 
a point.  They just learned faster than the hadjis is all.

You can tell the guys from the 82nd Airborne that rigged to jump on 
Haiti that we didn't push out the bad guys simply with the threat of 
preemptive unilateral invasion.

I don't think we're posturing with Iran or trying to kick off a war, 
just let them know that we're not going to take their shit.  I mean hell 
they had fast boats ride assault lines on the aircraft carrier group we 
have their and announce that they would attack in minutes.

How are we posturing?  The UN and all the anti-proliferation groups 
agree that they have a program in place, to be honest I don't even care 
about that.  I'm more concerned with their activities in places like 
Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention their continued support of 
terror groups world wide, even including narco-terror groups in South 

Look at a map, if we do have to go to war with Iran we already have 
bases and massed troops on their borders, two of their borders, they are 
essentially surrounded, with our control of the seas and the air they 
would be unable to conduct resupply operations.

Something to realize, we are not close to having even half of our 
soldiers deployed at any one time.  During WW2 we had close to 80% of 
the men in uniform in theater 24/7 365.  We are still very much capable 
of this.  I wouldn't complain about being deployed for 5 or 6 years if 
thats what it takes, my grandfather was gone for almost 6 years in total.

William Bowen wrote:
>> How did Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia defend our country?
> None of the above were unilateral preemptive actions. All were part of
> UN peacekeeping missions. There was no "invasion" of a sovereign
> nation.
>> Somalia?
> Again we were there as part of the UN mission. and again, no invasion.
> 1992-95 -- Somalia. "Operation Restore Hope" Somali Civil War On
> December 10, 1992, President Bush reported that he had deployed US
> armed forces to Somalia in response to a humanitarian crisis and a UN
> Security Council Resolution. The operation came to an end on May 4,
> 1993. US forces continued to participate in the successor United
> Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM II). (See also Battle of
> Mogadishu)[RL30172]
> Cite: 
> <>
>> Dominican Republic, Haiti, I can go on.
> The US has a long history of hemispherical intervention... The Monroe
> Doctrine (and the Roosevelt Corollary) being an oft-cited principle at
> least in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
> The last time we went to the Dominican Republic was 1965:
> And with Haiti, it was here:
> restoring the
> duly elected leader of an nation.
>> Our nation decided to become imperial in the 1800s.  Since then we have
>> defended our interests abroad through force as necessary.
> Agreed, though rarely preemptively.
>> Toppling Saddam was in our interest.  Neh?
> Perhaps, if he wasn't already contained. How do you feel about the
> continued saber rattling against Iran? Posturing with a threat, or
> prelude to shooting war? If the former, what do we do if/when Iran
> calls our bluff? If the latter, a member of the Armed Forces, do you
> think the US is in a position to mount a second front, given our
> current operations?

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