I totally agree, I think this year I will make it appoint to change the way
it is handled. I did consult a CPA in handling it for me but they had a high
fee and I could not justify it at this point. As things pickup (as they have
year after year), I know I will eventually go that route. 

Time to re-evaluate the taxes, 401K, health care cost, and then factor those
into determining the proper hourly rate.

Got to love Uncle Sam!! (someone have a gun I can borrow)?

-----Original Message-----
From: William Bowen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1:12 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Taxes (Fed / State)

>  So if I set aside 50% is that too much?

If you can afford to set aside 50%, do it. Keep it in an interest
bearing savings account.
you'll always have a little "extra" for those odd times when the taxes
don't quite figure the way you expected.

I used to save out 40% and never had a real problem.

Oh and pay quarterly. Learned that lesson the *second* year I was in
business for myself. For some reason, four $1K checks to the
government, sent every three months, seems like a whole lot less money
than one $4K check.



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